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Selasa, 26 Februari 2019

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Dear Prospective Student, I am pleased to know of your interest in applying for the Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) p rogram in the School of Social Work at Aurora University . Accredited by the Council on Social Work Education, our BSW program enables graduates to sit for the state social work licensing exam and to use the title “ social worker ” . Att ached you will find application forms and admissions instructions for the S chool of Social Work. Reading these materials will help guide you through the application and admissions process. We have designed our admissi ons process to give you as much information as possible about our BSW program . If at any point you have additio nal questions about the admissions process or the BSW program itself, feel free to contact me 630.844.5421 or by e - mail at bbarnwel . Thank you for your interest in Aurora University ’ s School of Social Work . We look forward to receiving your application. Sincerely, Brenda Barnwell Brenda Barnwell, LCSW, CADC BSW Program Director , School of Social Work Aurora University School of Social Work Admissions Instructions for Transfer Students Read carefully the steps outlined here which will facilitate your timely admission to the School of Social Work. 1. Complete the BSW Application forms and submit these forms to the School of Social Work . Please be thoughtful with your responses on these a pplication forms since our admissions process is designed to enable us to appropriately counsel you regarding your entrance into the BSW program. BSW application materials should be mailed to: School of Social Work B SW Director Alumni Hall 347 S. Glads tone Avenue Aurora, IL 60506 2. Once you have been accepted into the U niversity and your BSW application materials have been received, you may, 1) receive a letter within ten days informing you of the admission decision; or 2) be contacted to arrange for a personal interview with a social work faculty member . During this interview you will be asked to elaborate on your written responses to the questions on the BSW application forms. You will also have an opportunity to hav e your concerns and questions about the program addressed A letter regarding the admission decision will be mailed to you within ten days of the interview. 3. If you are a student on the Aurora Campus, a fter being accepted to the BSW program, you will regist er for social work course work with Ms. Mary Lohrman and/or Ms. Pat Rosche of the Crouse Center in Eckhart Hall . At that time , an academic plan will be developed with you that will ensure your timely graduation. A copy of this plan will be given to you f or your records. Aurora University School of Social Work Criteria for Admission to the School of Social Work Applicants must meet the following criteria to be accepted into the BSW program: Have earned a cumulative grade point average of 2.5 on a 4.0 point scale ; Have earned or are planning to have earned approximately 60 semester hours prior to beginning the fall required social work course work ; Completion of the following social work supportive liberal arts prerequisites or their equivalent PSC 2110 U.S. Government PSY 1100 General Psychology SOC 1100 Principles of Sociology ( After an administrative review, s tudents may be admitted to the BSW program and complete one course concurrently with social work courses if necessary); Be willing to adhere to the social work Code of Ethics ; Have a career goal that is consistent with the BSW program ’ s philosophy and curriculum ; Legally be able to qualify for the state social work license (prior arrest and convictions may disqualify an appl icant) ; Aurora University School of Social Work Frequently Asked Questions 1. Is the BSW program accredited? The BSW program is accredited by the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE). The program has been accredited by CSWE since 1974, which was the first year undergraduate programs were accredited. We have maintained our accreditation for almost 40 years. 2. Wh y is an accredited program important? In order to be eligible to be a licensed social worker, a student must graduate from a CSWE accredited school. Many agencies that employ social workers require social workers to be licensed. 3. When should I apply for ad mission to the School of Social Work? Applicant interviews begin during the spring semester for those students intending to begin the BSW course work the following fall. Most applicants complete the admissions process during the spring and early summer of their sophomore year. 4. Can I begin the BSW Program course work at any time? Once admitted to the BSW program, students can begin social work courses in the fall or spring. 3. Can I complete the BSW degree on a part time basis? Students can complete the BSW program part time over a three or four - year period. 4. Do I need an Associates of Arts (A.A.) or Associates of Science (A.S.) Degree? Applicants do not need to have earned an A.A. degree or an A.S. degree to gain admission to the BSW program. Students who have not earned either of these degrees must meet the university ’ s general education graduation requirements. 5. How can I find out what courses I should take prior to transferring to Aurora University to ensure completion of my BSW degree requirements with in two years? Students planning on transferring to Aurora University should contact the Admissions Office on the Aurora or George Williams College campus to ensure that the courses they are taking or plan to take at their current academic institution will facilitate the transfer process and prepare them for the BSW course work . The Admissions Office phone number on the Aurora Campus is ( 630 ) 844 - 5533). The George Williams College Campus Office of Admissions phone number is (262) 245 - 8586 . 6. Can I apply to the BSW program prior to completing my sophomore year or 60 semester hours? Students can apply and will be accepted provisionall y into the BSW program if they plan on completing 60 semester hours prior to beginning the required social work course work. Stude nts who will have completed slightly fewer semester hours prior to beginning the social work required course will be accepted provided they are willing to develop a plan to complete these hours . 7. What if my cumulative grade point average is below the requ ire 2.5 on a 4.0 point scale? Students, who have a cumulative grade point average slightly below the required minimum can be accepted into the BSW program conditionally provided the BSW Admissions Committee believes that the student has a good chance of su cceeding academically. Such conditionally accepted st udents must earn a minimum of an “A” or “B” grade in the two required social work courses during their first term in the program to gain full acceptance. 8. Can I receive social work credits for life or w ork experience? The Council on Social Work Education, the social work accrediting body, does not permit life or work experience to be used for either required or elective social work courses. 9. Can I transfer social work or human service courses into the university and have them apply to the required social work course work? Only courses taken in an academic institution accredited by the Council on Social Work Education can be used to meet required social work course work. Such non - accredited courses can , of course, be us ed to meet the 120 semester hour general university degree requirement. 9 - 201 2 APPLICATION FOR BSW PROGRAM APPLICATION for: Fall: _____ Spring _____ Full - time ____ Part - time __ __ _ CAMPUS: G WC ______ Aurora ______ Year in college: __1 st __2 nd __3 rd __4 th Date: __________________________ First N ame:_________________________ _ MI: __ ____ Last Name: _______________ ______________ Address: _______________________________________________City:__________________________ State: __________________________________________________Zip:__________________________ Home Phone ( )____________ _______________ Cell Phone ( )_________________ _______ E - mail address: _______________________________________________________________________ Date of Birth: __________________________ Gender:_____ ____ ____ Are you a student at Aurora University currently? Yes_________ No__________ Will you tra nsfer from another College or University? Yes_________ No__________ Name of this institution(s) _______________________________________________________________ How many credits do you plan to, o r have you already transferred ? ________________ What is your Cumulative Grade Point Average? ______________ Which of the following required supportive liberal arts courses have you taken? Introduction to Sociology Semester Completed_______ Grade_______ Introduction to Psychology Semester Completed_______ Grade_______ U.S. Government or Basic Political Science Course Semester Completed_______ Grade_______ List any other courses you have taken which you feel are supportive of your interest in social work. __________________________ __________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________ _________________________________________________________ MINI AUTOBIOGRAPHY OUTLINE When writing your mini autobiography, please write all re sponses in a narrative, first person style. Be thoughtful while typing complete responses. Keep in mind, this application is a professional document. 1. How did you become interested in social work, and why are you seeking a career in social work? (Include in your response, any prior experience working or volunteering for a social services agency.) 2. What important events and relationships have positively influenced your development? 3. What important events and relationships have caused stress or trauma with regard to your development? 4. What would people who know you (e.g., family, friends, professors, etc.) say are your greatest strengths and weaknesses? 5. What experiences, feeli ngs, and ideas do you have working with people from different cultures and/or o ppressed groups (e.g., people of a different race, ethnicity, ability, religion, socio - economic status, gender, and/or sexual orientation)? 6. What additional information would you like the admissions committee to consider? All application materials become a part of your academic file in the School of Social Work. These m aterials are used only for the a dmissions considerations and will not be disclosed .

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Dear parents/guardians,Each year in January, Alberta Educations sends an important survey to all parents and guardians of students in Grades 4, 7 and 10. In schools with fewer than 120 students, surveys are sent to parents/guardians of all students. The survey is called the Accountability Pillar urvey. Your voice matters. It is very important that families complete the survey and return it to AlbertEducation. Theresults are used to assess satisfaction with the quality of education in our schools, andthe CBE uses the information to improve teaching and learning for your children.Families will receive the English version of the survey through the mail, but Alberta Education also provides it inArabic, Blackfoot, Chinese, Cree, French, Korean, Punjabi, Spanish, Tagalog and Urdu. If you would prefer to respond to the survey in one of these languages, just tell the principal of your child’s school, and a copy will be mailed to you.When filling out the survey, if you don’t know the answer, simply proceed to the next question.Alberta Education and the CBE thank you for filling out and returning the parent Accountability Pillar Survey. You can mail it back to Alberta Education free of charge, or simply return it to your child’s school. If you have any questions, please contact the principal of your child’s school. Minicom  0118 939 0700 DX 40124 Reading (Castle Street) Sylvia Chew, Director of Children, Education & Early Help Services Children’s Action Team South Reading, 330 Northumberland Avenue, Reading, RG2 8DH Our Ref: London Photography treasure hunt Direct:  Email : Your contact s are : Rachel Winter, South Reading Area Team , 07793369417 Gabriella Eas t Reading Area Team, 07738140078 Dear Parents/Guardian and young people, Please see below the details for the special London trip; that will be under the theme of a Photography Treasure Hunt . Activities : Sight - seeing in London with the twist of a photography treasure hunt and a boat ride down the Thames! A chance to explore London’s famous and more hidden treasures following our cleverly designed Treasure hunt map . Ven ue: City of London and Greenwich Dates: 27 th October 20 15 Times: Meet for 09:15 am @ Reading Train Station – by the wall next to the old station. We are aiming to catch a 09:35 am train into London Paddington. We will return from London to Reading Train Station by no later than 6 :00pm. Costing �10 Signed Me dical Consent forms need to be returne d by 15 th October 2015 Recommendations for the trip (please read)  As this activity involved travelling by public transport we ask that all young people understand from the start that they need to stay with the group at all times and listen to instruction given by staff.  We recommend that if possible the young person has a mobile phone with sufficient charge and credit for emergencies in case we need to get in touch with them during the trip ( though we ask that they be responsible for their own belongings whilst on the trip as RBC cannot take responsibility for loss of a ny items whilst on the trip)  We will have a 1 staff to 3 young people ratio accompanying the group to ensure adequate supervision.  We also ask that young people prepare for all weather conditions including having waterproof jackets with them in case it ra ins; please do not bring umbrellas as these are likely to be lost.  We also advise that all young people have breakfast on the morning of the trip or take snacks and water with them; as we will be doing a fair bit of walking and it is important that they ke ep hydrated and have the energy to keep up with the activity.  As this is a photography treasure hunt; please indicate if you are happy for the picture of your child/ward being taken and used for the purpose of the activity (see section on medical consent f orm)  The whole group will have a chance to eat a meal together during the activity Minicom  0118 939 0700 DX 40124 Reading (Castle Street)  The group will have a small amount of time to buy a souvenir from the shop should they wish. Please don’t allow your child to bring any more money than £10.00. Any anti - s ocial behavior will result in the young person, and therefore the group, having to leave and Return home early . Alcohol and drugs are not allowed and any one under the influence will be sent home. Without the attached Medical Consent Forms being completed and returned, your child will not be able to attend the trip. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me on the number above. Yours sincerely, South and East Reading Area Team s Reading Youth Engagement Service Minicom  0118 939 0700 DX 40124 Reading (Castle Street) READING BOROUGH COUNCIL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT Parental Consent Form for Off - site and Hazardous Activities Attached to this form is information regarding a proposed activity? If you wish your child to join in the activity, complete, sign and return the form. Youth Service Unit: Young Person’s Name: Date of Birth: Age: Home Address: Who to contact in an emergency? (parent or guardian) Name: Contact details: Is your child / ward receiving medical treatment at present? If so please give details: Please give details of any disabilities or medical conditions that might affect your child’s performance or safety on this activity: Please give your family doctor’s name, address and contact number: Please add any further information on a separate sheet as necessary. Statement I acknowledge receipt of the information regarding the attached activity to (please delete as applicable) And consent to my child/ward, named above, participating in the following activities: London photography treasure hunt 27 th October 2015 ; 10:00 am to 18:00pm I am happy for my child attend this activity YES/NO I ag ree to staff on the activity giving permission for my child to have any medical treatment that medical authorities think necessary. I undertake to inform the staff of any changes in my child’s fitness prior to departure. I have ensured, as far as I reaso nably can, that my child understands that it is important to safety that any rules and instructions given by the staff in charge are obeyed. I agree to photographs or videos taken during the event to be used in reports or for future publicity. Signed:……… ………………………………………………………………………………… Date:…………………………………………. Please indicate relationship to child: ……………………………………………………………………………………………. (Young people 18 & over may complete & sign the forms themselves) Page 1 of Medical Consent Form Medical & Consent Form

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Fellow readers of the blog "Watch= ing Our Water Ways":

I'm sending this note because yo= u are among a group of people who signed up to receive email notifications for ne= w blog posts to "Watching Our Water Ways," but you apparently hav= e not received any notices. It turns out that there was a technical glitch, and your name = was among those that failed to move into the appropriate place for automatic no= tifications.

I hope you received a notice early this morning for my latest blog post about McNeil Island, and I hope you continue to receive notifications. Feel free to email me anytime with any issues, and thank you for subscribing. Chris.

Christopher Dunagan

Environmental Reporter

Watching Our Water Ways

Kitsap Sun newspaper

Bremerton, Washington


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