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Selasa, 19 Maret 2019

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Dear Parent: Thank you for bringing this issue to my attention. Contacting me was the right thing to do. I understand from what you are telling me that you are concerned that your son is being falsely accused. We will go through our standard procedure for investigating this report, which will include interviewing teachers and student witnesses. If your son and Sam are involved in "fights," that's different from bullying. Conflict is still a problem that needs to be dealt with, but it is different from how we deal with bullying. Our teachers are trained to recognize the difference between bullying and conflict and how to report bullying when they are aware of it. They are also trained to help children effectively use a conflict resolution model. I encourage you to read our policies and procedures for handling conflict and defining, investigating, and responding to bullying. [Link to policies and procedures.] Please know that we are doing everything possible to create a safe and respectful environment for your son and the other students in our school. The safety of your child is our priority. Sincerely, Principal Dear Dr. Jones, I am currently a junior pre - medical student at Yesh iva Univers ity studying biology and I am interested in obt aining research experi ence for this coming summer. I saw on Einstein's website that you are working on uncovering the mechanisms by which Ebola and Marburg filoviruses exploit their host cells to gain entry i nto the cytoplasm. I am highly interested in your research and eventually aspire to gain my MD/PhD in an area related to virology. I have completed related coursework in microbiology, statistics, bioethics, and chemistry, and have some experience with as eptic techniques, culture growth in differential media, differential staining, microscopy and some bi ochemical testing. I have excellent Excel skills and have also worked with various databases and statistical software packages. I would very much be inte rested in bringing these skills to volunteer in your laboratory for the summer. I am available to speak with you about any potential opportunities at your conveni ence. I look forward to hearing from you and thank you for your time. Sincerely, Joshua Greenberg Ms. Josephine Noonan, Noonan and Murphy Accountants, 23 North Mall, Cork. Dear Ms. Noonan, I am writing in response to your advertisement for a trainee accountant, which is currently advertised on the Careers Service website at University College Cork, where I am a final year Economics student. During my studies at University College Cork, I have opted for modules relating to accounting and business economics, and have achieved excellent results. As you will see from my CV I have spent the summer vacation period working in a local accountancy firm. Although the work was initially clerical, I soon progressed to audit work and thoroughly enjoyed this. Your firm is of particular interest to me because it is of medium size and therefore will allow me to become involved quickly as a team member. I enjoy challenges and have always found problem solving very satisfying. Fo r these reasons the accountancy profession appears to suit my skills. I am keen to progress rapidly towards a professional qualification and I am aware that you place great emphasis on training. I would welcome the opportunity to discuss the post and my o wn background in more detail, and would be available for interview at any time from the beginning of June onwards. Yours sincerely, Anne McManus ANNE McMANUS Dear Daniel, I hope you're doing well. It's hard to believe spring will be upon us soon and many of you are already preparing for the end of the school year. I wanted to update you on a development we've been working on for a while. As you may know, ASCA was formed in 1952 as a division of the American Personnel and Guidance Association. As APGA evolved into the American Counseling Association, ASCA and ACA found our paths diverging, both philosophically and organizationally. ACA chan ged its policies in 1995 so that divisions may operate autonomously. Since then, ASCA has functioned as an independent organization, although we followed ACA bylaws and policies and attended all required meetings. Last December ACA approached ASCA to explo re the possibility of changing our division status. We agreed that because of the way our relationship has changed, the division structure created 65 years ago may no longer be the most appropriate for us. ASCA and ACA leaders held a series of meetings bas ed on the premise that if we separated, it would be a mutual parting and not ASCA leaving or ACA asking us to leave. Those discussions resulted in an agreement to change our relationship. ACA's Governing Council is meeting on March 21 to consider the agree ment, and if the agreement is approved, ASCA would no longer be a division of ACA effective April 1 . There would be very few changes to ASCA. In fact, the change in our relationship with ACA would probably be imperceptible to most ASCA members. In our disc ussions, we tried to ensure developments at the national level have as little impact as possible at the state level. ASCA being independent from ACA does not necessarily mean your SCA should separate from your state counseling association. ASCA has always advised its state divisions to do what's in the best interests of their members. ASCA has never suggested that state school counselor associations disaffiliate from their state branch of ACA, and we are not suggesting that now. One of the provisions of our agreement is that SCAs that are affiliated with a state counseling association would no longer be required by ACA bylaw to be chartered by an ACA national division. If your CA requires your SCA to be chartered by the ACA national division, we strongly enc ourage you to work with your state leadership to change the state bylaw or policy to emulate ACA's bylaw under our agreement. By ASCA policy, an ASCA - chartered division cannot be chartered by another national organization. We would like to avoid a situatio n in which your SCA can no longer be a division of ASCA because your CA requires it to be chartered by an ACA national division. ASCA and ACA leaders believe this change in our relationship is in the best interests of both organizations and our members and it's long overdue. We hope this development will usher in a new era of collaboration between ASCA and ACA so we may work together more closely on issues that are important to t school counselors. We will keep you updated as ACA moves through its approval process for the agreement. Please let me know if you have any questions about the ASCA - ACA relationship and how it may possibly affect on your SCA's relationship with your CA. — Richard Kwok - Sze Wong, EdD Executive Director American School Counselor Associa tion 1101 King St., Suite 310 Alexan dria, VA 22314 (703) 683 - ASCA (2722); Fax: (703) 683 - 1619 One Vision One Voice 1101 King St., Suite 310 Alexandria, VA 22314 - 1757 703 683 ASCA (2722) fax 703 683 - 1619 ASCA is the school counseling division of the American Counseling Association Thank you for subscribing to the Moneywise newsletters. Please confirm our registration by clicking the link below: December 1, 2010 Miriam A. Nunberg Staff Attorney U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights 32 Old Slip, 26th Fl. New York, NY 10005-2500 Dear Ms. Nunberg : I am a first -year student at Harvard Law School and am writing to apply for a volunteer summer internship with the Department of Education's Office for Civil Rights in New York City . I learned about your organization through Harvard Law School's public service database and through Harvard students who have interned at branches of the OCR in other cities. Interning at the OCR would allow me to continue my commitment to civil rights in education, and I feel confident that I could contribute substantively to the work of your office while strengthening the skills I'll need for a career in education law. As a senior at Cornell University, I wrote an honors thesis on the politics of bilingual education in California and New York, focusing on strategies for protecting minority students' language rights. Because my career goal is to work on language issues, and discrimination generally, in American education, I wrote my master 's thesis on language policy in Spanish schools in order to gain knowl edge of how other countries handle these complex issues. This semester , I've gotten involved with Harvard Law School's Advocates for Education, as well as the Child and Youth Advocates, organizations which have exposed me to the work lawyers can do to promote education rights. Additionally, j oining the Latino Law Review has kept me updated on the issues facing minority students. My work with the Harvard Defenders has begun to give me experience in public interest litigation , and working at the OCR would allow me to gain experience advocating for the specific client populations I hope to assist in my career . Because of my familiarity with language issues and New York's bilingual education policies, as well as my fluency in Spanish, I would be very happy to work on cases dealing with language or national origin discrimination, but I'd also be delighted at the opportunity to work in any of the areas on which your office focuses, including LGBT and disability rights. I have enclosed a resume highlighting m y education and work experience. I hope to have the opportunity to interview with you about a summer position, and I will call your office in a few weeks to see if I may schedule a time to speak with you. Thank you in advance for your time and considerat ion. Sincerely, Samantha Pierce Thank you for registering to receive ZEISS Meditec Newsletter Zeiss Logo Hello , We take your privacy very seriously. We want to confirm your permission before sending you any further email. To confirm your interest in receiving our content, simply click the link below. Confirm Permission Please see details about our privacy policy. Regards, Your ZEISS Meditec Team For more information: Carl Zeiss Meditec AG Dear Instructor, The Disability Support Services (DSS) office has determined that access to complete classroom notes for your course lectures is a reasonable accommodation for me. I would like to collaborate with you to coordinate this accommodation which will support my learning in your class. There are several wa ys in which we can arrange for my access to good quality lecture notes:  Notes posted openly on the class website; or  Copies of your notes. If we can't arrange for one of these options, please assist me in locating a classmate who would be willing to share his/her notes by making the following announcement at the beginning of TWO CONSECUTIVE class periods: If you take clear, concise notes and are willing to share a copy with a student with a disability, please meet me and the student in the front of th e room right after class ends today. You can also e -mail me, and I'll put you and the student in touch directly. The DSS office will formally recognize your volunteer service at the end of the semester. Thank you. Please do NOT include my name as part of the announcement. I'll check in with you after class to, hopefully, meet the notetaker. I can then work with him or her to arrange for the best way for us to coordinate sharing notes. If we do not locate a volunteer through this announcement, we can contact the DSS office for further assistance. Thank you for your assistance. Student Instructor - in - training Permit Policy Update Notice 01/24/2018 Dear School Administrators and Instru ctors On January 8, 2018 , the Board approved significant updates to the Instructor - in - Training policy and procedures. The changes made will go into effect February 1, 2018. Summary of Changes: 1. Permit fee due at time of application instead of verific ation 2. Updated Permit Application and Verification Form (the new forms will be posted online February 1 st ). 3. Verification forms must be submitted within 100 - 150 hours. 4. Instructor hours obtained prior to the implementation of the instructor - in - training permi t November 9, 2015 will be recognized. 5. Additional guidance from the Board for staff in managing the permit application process. The updated policy and related documents are being mailed to the schools today, the documents are also attached to this ema il. Please sign, date and return the attached form and contact sheet to provide the Board updated contact information and to confirm that you have received and read the policy updates, only one form per school is needed. ADELPHI UNIVERSITY/FRIENDS OF OHEKA OTTO KAHN MUSIC AWARD APPLICATION Personal Information Name_______________________________________________________ _________ Address_____________________________________________________ _________ City___________________________ ________ State_________Zip___________ ___ County___________________________ _______________ US Citizen □ Yes □ No Telephone (____)_____________________ ___ S. S. #_________________ ___ _____ E - Mail_____________________________ __________________________ ________ Intended College Major: Music / Music Education ( Circle One) Adelphi University Admission Application: □ Has already been submitted □ Will be submitted by January 1 Signature_______________________Date__________ ________________ _________ Additional Materials Be sure to include the following materials in your application package: □ This scholarship application form and three teacher/instructor recommendations Application Submission Your Adelphi University/Fr iends of Oheka Otto Kahn Music Application and materials must be received by January 1. Please send your application package to: Adelphi University Office of University Admissions Levermore Hall, Room 110 1 South Avenue P. O. Box 701 Garden City, NY 11530 - 0701 THE ADELPHI UNIVERSITY/FRIENDS OF OHEKA OTTO KAHN MUSIC AWARD TEACHER/INSTRUCTOR RECOMMENDATION Dear Teacher/Instructor: Adelphi University has now partnered with Friends of OHEKA, Inc., in honoring the memory of Otto K ahn , an early 20 th century banker and philanthropist, who gave generously during his lifetime to support talented and struggling artists . We are pleased that you have agreed to submit a teacher/instructor recommendation for a deserving student studying mus ic or music education. The new music award with Adelphi University of up to $10,000 a year is separate and distinct from the annual Friends of OHEKA Otto Kahn Award of $2,500. (The Friends' awards are available to graduating seniors, attending public high schools in the Town of Huntington, who wish to continue their training in the fine arts, performing arts, and music. These applications are sent directly to the high schools in March and awards are presented in June of the same year). Please complete this recommendation form and return it to the student applicant who must submit it with his/her application directly to Adelphi University by January 1 . Each applicant must provide three teacher/instructor recommendations, at least one from their chosen fie ld of study . 1. Name of Student _________________________________________ 2. How long have you known the student? ________________________ 3. Your class(es) taken by the student: __________________________________________________________ _____________________ _____________________________________ 4. Why you believe the student should win this award? (Complete on back of this sheet or submit on a separate sheet.) 5. Do you believe the student's financial needs are: (a) Minimal____ (b) Moderat e____ (c) Severe____ ( Please elaborate if you wish. ) Note: Financial need will be considered, but will not be the sole factor in the selection of the award winners. Submitted by ____________________________ __________________ Position ___________________________________________________ Telephone Number_______________________ Signature ____________________________________________ Dated ____________________________ Thank you for your participation. Dear Educator, We know connecting your students to college opportunity and success is important to you. One way to help your students along the path to higher education is to share with them the benefits of taking SAT Subject Tests™. The SAT Subject Tests are hour-long tests based on high school course work offered across five subject areas: Science, Mathematics, English, History and Languages. Coupled with students' high school grades and SAT scores, Subject Test scores can create a powerful and comprehensive picture of your students' capabilities, helping them stand out to prospective colleges. Colleges also use SAT Subject Tests to put other admission factors into context, place students in certain courses and even offer credit based on Subject resource that will familiarize you with the science tests and the topics they cover. It includes sample questions as well as tips and best practices from other teachers to help you advise and prepare your students to do their best on the SAT Subject Tests. The best news for science teachers? SAT Subject Tests cover the material you already teach your students. In fact, 82 percent of high school science teachers agree that the knowledge and skills measured by the SAT Subject Tests in Science are part of their existing curriculum. Nearly 90 percent of high school teachers and college professors surveyed indicated that the knowledge and skills tested on the SAT Subject Tests are important for college readiness. There is no better source than you — teachers in the classroom — when it comes to helping students prepare for the SAT Subject Tests. If you have feedback, tips or ideas you'd like to share with other teachers, please send them to us at SAT Dear students Welcome to Pembroke! I'm delighted to welcome you and look forward to meeting you in a few months' time. I'm a member of the College's Governing Body and my role covers overall responsibility for academic strategy, policy and operations, student welfare policy, admissions, visiting students and disabilities. Together with the rest of the Academic Office team , I am here to help make your time in Oxford both successful and enjoyable. The Academic Office is situated on Staircase 5 of Old Quad, and we offer an excellent starting point for any queries or concerns you may have. We hope you find this website useful and that the information helps you prepare for life in Oxford. We are happy to help with any questions in the run up to your arrival, so please get in touch if you need any further information. With best wishes, Nancy Nancy Braithwaite Academic Director

Dear Alumni of Harvard Law School,
What a pleasure it is to report to you about this exciting and productive school year -
also a year in which many here are engaging in what Justice Stephen Breyer
’64 has called “active liberty,” vigorously exercising the responsibilities of citizenship
in our own community and communities around the world. The school works hard to
serve others. A sterling example: Our library recently announced our “Free the Law”
initiative, a partnership with Ravel Law, a legal research and analytics platform, to
digitize our entire collection of federal and state court decisions from our complete
set of reports. We will, for the first time anywhere, make these cases available
online, for free, to anyone with an Internet connection. Driving this effort is our belief
that the law should be accessible and open to all because transparency and equal
access promote justice.
Planning for Our Third Century
In October, we launched our Campaign for the Third Century, which will enable us
to expand student financial aid and our support for graduates working in the public
sector, and also to provide even greater opportunities for clinical education, pursued
now by 80% of our students. We are so very grateful for magnificent gifts already
made to the campaign! Michael R. Klein LL.M. ’67, the co-founder and chairman of
the Sunlight Foundation and a longtime supporter of the School, has made a $15
million gift to support and extend the path-breaking work of our worldrenowned Berkman Center for Internet & Society, which will soon include his
name. Mitchell R. Julis JD/MBA ’81 has made a gift establishing the JulisRabinowitz Program in Jewish and Israeli Law; I am delighted to announce
that Noah Feldman, the Felix Frankfurter Professor of Law at HLS and one of the
nation’s leading public intellectuals, will serve as the program’s inaugural director.
With these gifts and others, our campaign is off to a terrific start, and I salute the
great work of campaign co-chairs James A. Attwood Jr. JD/MBA ’84, Morgan Chu
’76 and Adebayo Ogunlesi JD/MBA ’79 and the leadership of alumni
including Lloyd Blankfein ’78, William T. Coleman Jr. ’43, Dan A. Emmett
’64, Steven Klinsky ’81, and Sumner Redstone ’47


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