About t his Guide t his guide will help you write an effective cover letter. i t includes information about: • tar geted cover letters • emailing cover letters • other types of letters (ex: thank you letters) y our cover letter is only one of your job search activities. t o access m anitoba’ s r esume and Cover l etter Builder or obtain mor e information about related topics visit: www.manitoba.ca/careerdevelopment. i f you ar e having any difficulty with any part of the guide, another helpful resource is your local e mployment m anitoba office. t o find one near you call 1-866-332-5077 or go to www.gov.mb.ca/employment/emp_centre_locations.html
Dear Alumni of Harvard Law School, What a pleasure it is to report to you about this exciting and productive school year - also a year in which many here are engaging in what Justice Stephen Breyer ’64 has called “active liberty,” vigorously exercising the responsibilities of citizenship in our own community and communities around the world. The school works hard to serve others. A sterling example: Our library recently announced our “Free the Law” initiative, a partnership with Ravel Law, a legal research and analytics platform, to digitize our entire collection of federal and state court decisions from our complete set of reports. We will, for the first time anywhere, make these cases available online, for free, to anyone with an Internet connection. Driving this effort is our belief that the law should be accessible and open to all because transparency and equal access promote justice. Planning for Our Third Century In October, we launched our Campaign for the Third Century, which will enable us to expand student financial aid and our support for graduates working in the public sector, and also to provide even greater opportunities for clinical education, pursued now by 80% of our students. We are so very grateful for magnificent gifts already made to the campaign! Michael R. Klein LL.M. ’67, the co-founder and chairman of the Sunlight Foundation and a longtime supporter of the School, has made a $15 million gift to support and extend the path-breaking work of our worldrenowned Berkman Center for Internet & Society, which will soon include his name. Mitchell R. Julis JD/MBA ’81 has made a gift establishing the JulisRabinowitz Program in Jewish and Israeli Law; I am delighted to announce that Noah Feldman, the Felix Frankfurter Professor of Law at HLS and one of the nation’s leading public intellectuals, will serve as the program’s inaugural director. With these gifts and others, our campaign is off to a terrific start, and I salute the great work of campaign co-chairs James A. Attwood Jr. JD/MBA ’84, Morgan Chu ’76 and Adebayo Ogunlesi JD/MBA ’79 and the leadership of alumni including Lloyd Blankfein ’78, William T. Coleman Jr. ’43, Dan A. Emmett ’64, Steven Klinsky ’81, and Sumner Redstone ’47
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