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Jumat, 15 Februari 2019


sddsdsdsdsd PGh0bWw+DQo8aGVhZD4NCjxtZXRhIGh0dHAtZXF1aXY9IkNvbnRlbnQtVHlwZSIgY29udGVudD0i dGV4dC9odG1sOyBjaGFyc2V0PXV0Zi04Ij4NCjwvaGVhZD4NCjxib2R5Pg0KPHA+RGVhciBNci4g ZGYgc2RmLCA8L3A+DQo8cD50aGFuayB5b3UgZm9yIHlvdXIgaW50ZXJlc3QgaW4gb3VyIG5ld3Ns ZXR0ZXIuIFRvIGNvbmZpcm0geW91ciByZWdpc3RyYXRpb24sIHBsZWFzZSBjbGljayBvbiB0aGUg bGluayBiZWxvdzo8YnI+DQo8YSBocmVmPSJodHRwczovL3d3dy55YWNodHMuZ3JvdXAvaW5kZXgu cGhwP2lkPTE0NiZhbXA7TD0xJmFtcDtoYXNoPWJlM2FiMzIwNDFhMjY3YmQzNjFiM2JiMDc5NGVm YjcxJmFtcDtjSGFzaD1mMWI1OWI4NDFjZWVhZTc3NmNmOWUxM2Y2OWU1ZWQ5NyI+Q29uZmlybWF0 aW9uIExpbmsNCjwvYT48L3A+DQo8cD5BZnRlciBzdWNjZXNzZnVsIHJlZ2lzdHJhdGlvbiB5b3Ug d2lsbCByZWNlaXZlIG91ciBwZXJpb2RpY2FsIG5ld3NsZXR0ZXIuIFdpdGggYSBsaW5rIGluIGVh Y2ggbmV3c2xldHRlciBlZGl0aW9uLCB5b3Ugd2lsbCBiZSBhYmxlIHRvIHVuc3Vic2NyaWJlIGF0 IGFueSB0aW1lLiBXZSB3aXNoIHlvdSBtdWNoIHBsZWFzdXJlIHdpdGggb3VyIG9ubGluZSBzZXJ2 aWNlcy4NCjwvcD4NCjxwPllvdXIgU2VhbGluZSBPbmxpbmUgVGVhbSA8L3A+DQo8cD5JbXByaW50 PGJyPg0KQWRkcmVzczpIYW5zZVlhY2h0cyBBRywgTGFkZWJvd2VyIENoYXVzc2VlIDExLCBELTE3 NDkzIEdyZWlmc3dhbGQ8YnI+DQpSZWdpc3RlciBjb3VydDogQW10c2dlcmljaHQgU3RyYWxzdW5k PGJyPg0KUmVnaXN0ZXIgbnVtYmVyOiBIUkIgNzAzNTxicj4NClVzdC4gSWROcjogREUgMjQ5IDAw NiA3MTAgPC9wPg0KPC9ib2R5Pg0KPC9odG1sPg0K

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Заборону Трампа трансгендерам служити в армії підтримав Верховний суд США Капітан американської армії, трансгендер Дженніфер Сімс. Бератцхаузен, Німеччина, 29 липня 2017 року. Верховний суд США у вівторок дозволив президенту Дональду Трампу застосувати свою політику, яка заборонить певним трансгендерним людям приєднуватися або залишатися в армії. Судді заморозили рішення суду нижчої інстанції, які блокували план Трампа на конституційних підставах. Адміністрація Трампа наводила аргумент «величезних медичних витрат і зривів» у випадку наявності трансгендерних військових Консервативна більшість задовольнила запит адміністрації Трампа скасувати судову заборону, видану федеральними суддями проти політики, тоді як у судах нижчих інстанцій продовжується судовий процес. Судові позови, які оскаржують цю політику, були подані в 2017 році групами, що виступають за громадянські свободи та права геїв і трансгендерів, від імені трансгендерних військовослужбовців, які зараз служать в армії, у тому числі деяких дислокованих за кордоном з десятками років досвіду в збройних силах, і трансгендерних людей, які прагнуть приєднатися до війська. Трамп у 2017 році оголосив план заборонити трансгендерним людям служити в армії. Цим кроком президент розпочав рух у сторону зміни політики, оголошеної роком раніше за колишнього президента-демократа Барака Обами, яка дозволила їм уперше служити відкрито й отримувати медичну допомогу, щоб змінити стать. Адміністрація Барака Обами уперше дозволила трансгендерним людям служити відкрито й отримувати медичну допомогу, щоб змінити стать коштом Міноборони Адміністрація Трампа, яка також вдавалась до інших кроків, спрямованих на обмеження прав американців-трансгендерів, наводила аргумент «величезних медичних витрат і зривів» у випадку наявності трансгендерних військових. Водночас дослідження, проведене в 2016 році в Пентагоні, завершене до рішення Обами, виявило, що будь-який вплив на вартість або військову готовність буде незначним. За підрахунками, в той час активно служили 2450 трансгендерних осіб. Джерело: 22.01.2019 Сьогодні 16 лютого 2019 Анонс подій: Архів заходів Центру>> Опитування (архів) підписатися на розсилку новин з сайту підтвердити підписку нагадати пароль відписатися Наші публікації: Архів публікацій>> Вийшов новий номер Віснику Центру суддівських YOUCAT Confirmation II Questions 2014 - 2015 To learn how to use your YOUCAT, read the "Instructions for Use" on the first page. At the conclusion of the book (on page 288) is the Subject Index, which allows you to look up information by subject or person. Please note that the numbers shown beside the subject or person refer to the question number in the YOUCAT, not the page number . Consequently, to find the related information, you need to look for the number shown in a yellow circle within the text of t he book. Due October 5, 2014 Life: Is This It? Read pages 14 - 16 1. What are two questions you have about your faith or the Church? List your questions and the numbers of the YOUCAT questions where you found the answer or information about your quest ion. 2. For what purpose are we here on earth? 3. Why did God create us? 4. Can we know the existence of God by our reason? 5. Why do people deny the existence of God? 6. Who does Jesus say he is in John 14:6? 7. In 1Timothy 2:4 what does St. Paul say God desires? Form B Last revised June 2018 Form B Confirmation of Registration-Reinstatement of Interest Free Status for Alberta Student Loans* *For definition of Alberta Student Loan, see bottom of page. Instructions and Information Complete this form only if you are returning to school a) as a full-time student and are not receiving new Alberta and/or Canada Student Loans, or b) as a part-time student. Instructions to Students and Key Dates 1. Complete all areas in Section 1. 2. Take the form to the educational institution you are attending and have them complete Section 2. Make sure they make a copy to keep for their records. KEY DATES: Your educational institution can confirm registration up to 30 days prior to your Academic Start Date but cannot confirm registration after the Academic Year End Date. 3. Make copies of the completed Form B. • Send one copy to the Alberta Student Aid Service Centre. Address is in the right column. KEY DATES: The Alberta Student Aid Service Centre 1601 Trapelo Road Suite 329 Waltham, MA 02451 Constant Contact, Inc. reserves the right to make any changes to the information contained in this publication without prior notice. Copyright © 1996-2008, Constant Contact, Inc. all rights reserved. Unpublished – Rights Reserved under Copyright Law of the United States. Use of a copyright notice is precautionary only and does not imply publication or disclosure. This document contains proprietary and confidential information of Constant Contact, Inc. Use, disclosure, or re - production is prohibited without the prior express written consent of Constant Contact, Inc. For inquiries regarding reproduction or distribution of any Constant Contact material, please contact Trademarks Brush Up, Constant Contact, the Constant Contact Logo, Connect Up, Do-It-Yourself Email Marketing, Email Marketing 101, Email Marketing Diva, Email Marketing Hints & Tips, Listen Up, Open Up, SafeSubscribe, SafeUnsubscribe, Speak Up, Survey 101, Survey Hints & Tips and The Smart Way to Reach Your Customers are trademarks, service marks, or registered trademarks or service marks of Constant Contact, Inc. All other company and product names may be trademarks or service marks of their respective owners. Restricted Rights Legend Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subdivision (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clauses as DFARS 252.227-7013 (October 1988) and FAR 52.227-19 (c) (June 1987). Email confirmations, also known as autoresponder emails, are useful when you want to automatically send users a receipt after a purchase, or confirmation of their form submission. Personalize these emails by editing the subject, writing the message, and including options like entry details, payment information, uploaded files, and document copies of entries. Date: Tuesday, January 3rd , 2017 Time: 9:30 a.m. Location: International Admissions Newnham Campus 1750 Finch Avenue East Toronto, ON M2J 2X5 Thank you for using the Western Union GlobalPay for Students platform. We have received your request to make a payment to Seneca College. Please make your funds transfer to us within 24 hours. This can be done through your bank, either in person, over the phone, or online. Once your payment is received, we will transfer your funds to Seneca College on the same day. If you have questions or require assistance, our Education specialists are here to help. Please consult the GlobalPay for Students FAQs page for your regional help line. For questions regarding your student tuition fees please contact Seneca College. Sincerely, Western Union Business Solutions Education Team P.S. If you have already completed your payment, thank you, and please disregard this email. Please do not reply to this automatic email. Please make sure that you arrive on time. The tests are administered promptly and late arrivals cannot be accommodated. Please bring your valid photo ID. *Note: The test given on the published date is free of charge to new Seneca College students; After this date, a late testing fee of 55.00 applies* Barnes & Noble Press offers fast, easy, and free publishing in both print and digital formats. Join the legion of authors who are leveraging the power of Barnes & Noble, the nation's largest retail bookseller, and start publishing today. Is your book ready for publication? Using our eBook and print platform is simple and easy. 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Sincerely, Thank you for using the Western Union GlobalPay for Students platform. We have received your request to make a payment to Seneca College. Please make your funds transfer to us within 24 hours. This can be done through your bank, either in person, over the phone, or online. Once your payment is received, we will transfer your funds to Seneca College on the same day. If you have questions or require assistance, our Education specialists are here to help. Please consult the GlobalPay for Students FAQs page for your regional help line. For questions regarding your student tuition fees please contact Seneca College. Sincerely, Next DJ Set THIS Sunday (9th September 2018) in Hereford! View this email in your browser . 1 of 2 PERSONAL Director of Human Resource Management Ms Rosie Valerio, BA, FCIPD Post to: Department of Human Resources The University of Sheffield, Firth Court, Western Bank Sheffield, S10 2TN In Person: 10-12 Brunswick Street, Sheffield, S10 Date Tel ephone: +44 (0) 114 222 1607 Fax: +44 (0) 114 222 1624 Email : Dear I am pleased to confirm that the University of Sheffield has agreed to confer upon you the title of Honorary xxxx with effect from xxx. The title Honorary xxxx is equivalent in standing with xxxxx and meets the eligibility criteria described at: The terms on which this title is afforded are as follows: 1. You may use the title with effect from the date specified above for the duration of your employment with the City College of Thessaloniki or unless the title is withdrawn by the University or for as long as the University of Sheffield is associated with the City College of Thessaloniki (whichever shall be the shorter period). 2. The use of the title is personal to you and may not be transferred to another person. 3. You shall not by virtue of this agreement or by virtue of your holding an honorary title with the City College of Thessaloniki be an employee of the University of Sheffield. 4. Only the Director of Human Resource Management is entitled to enter into or negotiate contracts with the University of Sheffield or any changes to them. This applies to this agreement. 5. You shall agree with the Terms and Conditions associated with Honorary titles. I should be grateful if you would notify me of your acceptance of this honorary title and the associated terms and conditions by returning the duplicate copy of this letter after signing and dating the endorsement. We are delighted that you have agreed to be associated with the University in this way and I trust that this association proves to be rewarding and mutually beneficial. Yours sincerely Ms R A Valerio Director of Human Resource Management cc Principal, City College of Thessaloniki Faculty PVC, UoS Beste lezer, Hartelijk dank voor uw bericht. U ontvangt spoedig een antwoord van ons. Namens de Spectrumschool, de directie Bericht inhoud: -- प्रिय vgndhy, INGOT सिक्का चुनने के लिए धन्यवाद। हम बहुत बोर्ड पर आपके पास करने के लिए खुश हैं। हम आईसी समुदाय टीम, सदस्यों और सलाहकारों के सभी की ओर से आपका स्वागत करते हैं। तिथि करने के लिए आईसी पर नवीनतम अद्यतन के साथ और किसी भी अनुरोध या प्रश्न के विषय में टीम तक पहुंचने के लिए, कृपया हमारे आईसी तार समूह में शामिल होने रहने के लिए। यहां अपने खाते के विवरण हैं: ईमेल: पारण शब्द: 5riCNMIQ एक अंतिम कदम के रूप में अपना खाता पूर्ण करने, सत्यापित करने के लिए यहां क्लिक करें. कृपया एक सुरक्षित जगह में अपने प्रवेश विवरण रखने के लिए। सधन्यवाद, INGOT सिक्का टीम This message (including any attachments) contains confidential data and information which are not intended for a specific individual and purpose and is protected by law. 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Your password has been reset. The temporary password is: W54K8g98d
The Team oIzXrwPy
where the program resides. The Deadline for Registration for each Program is December 20th, 2018.

Have questions? We're happy to help. email and sms text messages
For details on the user verification process, please see our FAQs or your new user confirmation email. to get grab your download and if you want to get in touch, you can always reach us

The next time you login you will be required to change this password. Login here
Dance All Day kdi
number you can get from your Elementary School office.
th assessment is a test of cognitive abilities and English proficiency.
website in PDF format.
From October 26th to Nov. 8
DJcity - Password Reset
First offers are made on February 20
th 2018 large group assessment. The link will be
assessment will be open.

    You must also apply to each program for which you want to be considered. Registering for the test
    Download our App: iOS | Android
    , 2019.
    Thanks for listening!
    You can register online only for the November 20
    Second offers are made on February 27th
    Thank you for registering
    Confirm that you correctly entered your Reference's email address in your online application.
    Please refer to the Secondary Programs brochure available through your Elementary school or on the
    , 2019.
    Nights begin on October 1
    Please note:
    Please find attached the requested pictures and information, for your reference. Please let me know if anything else is needed/required. This message may contain information that is privileged or confidential. If you are not the intended recipient, please advise the sender immediately by reply email and delete this message and any attachments without retaining a copy. Your studio is not yet connected! In order to privately backup, collaborate, download projects and samples, you must download & install Splice on your computer:
    does not mean you are automatically registered in a program. Apply for each program at the school

    The November 20
    Thank you for your interest in our District Alternative programs (Mini Schools). Parents are encouraged
    The test is used for the purpose of program selection only. No test results are given out to students

    to attend several Information Nights to select the most appropriate program for their child. Information
    All responses are expected to be complete and as detailed as possible. We cannot emphasize that enough. Incomplete applications will be rejected and there are no do-overs.
    We have created your account with the username "".
    the test. Once you register you will receive the location information.
    You are encouraged to attend the Funding Application Review Meeting on August 7, 2018 to have any questions answered or for clarifications on application contents. Thank you.
    , 2019.
    The test is approximately 2.5 hours long and students are assigned to a local Secondary school to take
    p>Fall 2018
    , 2018 large group
    st and run to November 14th 2018.
    Review of all applications will be more rigorous than before, yet for those entities interested in meeting positive outcomes in proven programs, or providing new and innovative services, this will be a good opportunity to present your case.
    Acceptances are to be made by noon on February 22nd
    Dear, Please read the application and requirements very carefully. The funding application for FY 2019 has been changed to reflect new emphasis on outcomes and outcome measurements requested by the eitas Board. Additional changes have been made in applicant requirements to broaden the number of providers applying; and new types of services and supports will be considered for funding in the areas of education and inclusion.

    d'autoriser la recherche de connexions WIFI pour se rendre compte que de nombreuses ondes WIFI Un de vos voisins, parce que notre environnement dépend de nous tous. connexion à votre espace personnel : j1xwN3LF if l set: cas. moi. ---------- notamment la nuit. Il faut alors l'éteindre directement sur votre Box ou via l'interface en ligne de

    To confirm that they are willing to write your reference, and Recommendations for you. found courses and Specializations that we think match your interests. Algorithms, Part I
    . NO LATE registrations will be
    , 2019.

    *ET* retrouvez vos contenus préférés dans votre espace personnel Lea &

    live on the VSB website at mQYOEMSlxz on October 26
    or parents. Not all programs use the test results for recruiting students.
    opportunities for our students. Thank you again, for your interest our programs.
    Princeton University
    No sample questions or information on the content are available to parents or students.
    Before you register online you must obtain your STUDENT PEN number. This is a nine digit
    all of me
    You can only register online from October 26th to November 8

    Pour diminuer l'exposition, il vous suffit d'éteindre votre WIFI dès que vous ne l'utilisez pas, et on your new LeagueApps account! You'll find Check out the newest titles now available in the MyCommerce Affiliate Progr= To get the most from your next rental, simply go to and log in with your member number. bqnyktskzdrvlrw ------------ Ce message a été envoyé

    to attend several Information Nights to select the most appropriate program for their child. Information
    All responses are expected to be complete and as detailed as possible. We cannot emphasize that enough. Incomplete applications will be rejected and there are no do-overs.
    We have created your account with the username "".
    the test. Once you register you will receive the location information.
    You are encouraged to attend the Funding Application Review Meeting on August 7, 2018 to have any questions answered or for clarifications on application contents. Thank you.
    , 2019.
    The test is approximately 2.5 hours long and students are assigned to a local Secondary school to take
    p>Fall 2018
    , 2018 large group
    st and run to November 14th 2018.
    Review of all applications will be more rigorous than before, yet for those entities interested in meeting positive outcomes in proven programs, or providing new and innovative services, this will be a good opportunity to present your case.
    Acceptances are to be made by noon on February 22nd
    Dear, Please read the application and requirements very carefully. The funding application for FY 2019 has been changed to reflect new emphasis on outcomes and outcome measurements requested by the eitas Board. Additional changes have been made in applicant requirements to broaden the number of providers applying; and new types of services and supports will be considered for funding in the areas of education and inclusion.

    *Pouvons-nous vous demander un dernier clic ?* Métier d'enseignant mais *nous tenons aussi à vous offrir 10 crédits* pour To confirm this request, just visit the link below and you tester nos contenus premium et découvrir la richesse de nos outils. parfois même si votre WIFI personnel est éteint, car le rayonnement est tout de même actif dans ce Dear MyCommerce Affiliate, hers Thank you for choosing Enterprise. We look forward to making your next rental experience more rewarding. ---- These title have been added since February 20, 2018. Be the first to offer Site ID: 44502411 New Software Titles Now Available !! sont présentes là où on se trouve. La portée du WIFI est de plusieurs dizaines de mètres en intérieur Your Enterprise Plus member number and user name is HYFYF4W. Hi EgjSP drVQNV, kTOaDWX4AnRya4fLrszB0hvkSuUDsux3IxvS7;9yeULf6E1qmpupH09ubIXh86XXs8yM4UXLr6G;KOBip4TN0t8kJk6DbVDKxEFoNKftHVntQhZ7J;CHfldisz2MSfPpKGFRR9WmzaKwpJdr7LSV4kq;7QaRYs3jPTjKB2hRCam9Y1y0dWqyysHSuDCba;pyiOgRvObduPYG3F28npDrEepDsUwNq9HelTu; The Team SxjlbtvN

    Have questions? We're happy to help. email and sms text messages
    For details on the user verification process, please see our FAQs or your new user confirmation email. to get grab your download and if you want to get in touch, you can always reach us

    Each year approximately 1400 students apply for 650 available spots in the Grade 8 intake. mais le risque est réel et certains d'entre nous sontholla Site ID: DxeoKF4xAwejniwsiiu9pDuJS4HWHDB6ZsSO9;fD1oJrBoxIV0x0mlrDLha7SM9BPRZGxDxgGUo;LoDpN6NMQMojYQ6Oo4naOC8oxwE6pgZqkYk1W;LSSCHVLcyJyXeTVIDRytM5sndwfigUsi0dlUF; Your friends at rHDo - *10 crédits :* 1 expérience pédagogique Thanks for signing up, and congratulations Cher voisin, chère voisine, certainement plus sensibles que d'autres : bébés et jeunes if you need additional help there's a link to

    Dear Parent / Guardian,
    th the online registration for the November 20th
    , 2018.
    Someone, probably you, asked
    Each year approximately 1400 students apply for 650 available spots in the Grade 8 intake. Every
    Second offer acceptances are to be made by noon on February 28th
    High fives,
    We're sorry! You're not authorized to view this page.

    in U9SWdFe8TYKokQ7WanlrspuxEo4vnhxvlI6fx;Ox4znamVKWz9qM8bl068TkS5Fh1LemiFvdMyL; Voilà un petit mot dans le but de créer un environnement sain Merci d'avoir souscrit à la newsletter de la fondation Entrepreneurs de la permettra de sensibiliser un peu plus à ce sujet du WIFI. Nous espérons ne pas vous avoir importuné avec ce message, et nous espérons que sa diffusion Your membership delivers faster reservations and rentals, a special members-only line at major airport locations and exclusive discounts. directrice de jlYtx following subscription:

    To confirm that they are willing to write your reference, and Recommendations for you. found courses and Specializations that we think match your interests. Algorithms, Part I
    . NO LATE registrations will be
    , 2019.

    ccv card If you did not request an account, please Contact Us. and preview the latest and greatest. pour nous tous. Comme vous le savez peut-être, le WIFI est

    The next time you login you will be required to change this password. Login here
    Dance All Day nmd
    number you can get from your Elementary School office.
    th assessment is a test of cognitive abilities and English proficiency.
    website in PDF format.
    From October 26th to Nov. 8
    DJcity - Password Reset
    First offers are made on February 20
    th 2018 large group assessment. The link will be
    assessment will be open.

    ressourcer » !* gestion de votre Box. Veillez aussi à éteindre le HOTSPOT intégré à certaines boxs qui fonctionne Username: mZyaifwX2zw5iywzci36cEO9SeikPvkHLQocv;fyDrb4H5oDUMBajNQKHXp3UgzF3FaEX4uw1uw;90MHrxF4E9yZmBy8q5Pd8Iz795UTWv8vYVQxD;8tzUwhUGgOoyYwFhleYW4lOTBLLVpkRUrvLkH; Aujourd'hui, il suffit d'allumer son téléphone mobile et Username: ukfirzopom We received a request to add this address to the -------------

    The November 20
    Thank you for your interest in our District Alternative programs (Mini Schools). Parents are encouraged
    The test is used for the purpose of program selection only. No test results are given out to students

    Pascaline Citron === accont ccv=== considéré par l'OMS (Organisation Mondiale de la Santé) *Une mine d'or pour vous « comme possiblement cancérogène pour l'homme, et ce suite enfants, femmes enceintes, personnes fragiles physiquement.

    Your password has been reset. The temporary password is: TPH2KaW2C
    The Team NaFoMosY
    where the program resides. The Deadline for Registration for each Program is December 20th, 2018.

    load graphics, banners and image links as well. Browse the network to see =

    Vancouver School District classroom offers a variety of exciting and challenging learning
    You must also apply to each program for which you want to be considered. Registering for the test
    Download our App: iOS | Android
    , 2019.
    Thanks for listening!
    You can register online only for the November 20
    Second offers are made on February 27th
    Thank you for registering
    Confirm that you correctly entered your Reference's email address in your online application.
    Please refer to the Secondary Programs brochure available through your Elementary school or on the
    , 2019.
    Nights begin on October 1
    Please note:
    Please find attached the requested pictures and information, for your reference. Please let me know if anything else is needed/required. This message may contain information that is privileged or confidential. If you are not the intended recipient, please advise the sender immediately by reply email and delete this message and any attachments without retaining a copy. Your studio is not yet connected! In order to privately backup, collaborate, download projects and samples, you must download & install Splice on your computer:
    does not mean you are automatically registered in a program. Apply for each program at the school

    Bonjour kdzzhwz nous te souhaitons la bienvenue ! Please refer to the Secondary Programs brochure available through your Elementary school or on the
    website in PDF format.
    Each year approximately 1400 students apply for 650 available spots in the Grade 8 intake. - *2 crédits :* 1 module de formation yT7VZF23JobYT6HcvGPOtkKbhFlt0k6H9OYl6;XromXmKnWpnpRPPEnOAZAVFuAEZeNbyMKoXqt;zHwQjWzvRIRKgsMyNRXbYrFSDp9YjRZQrvBOO;MvC5prXqLHV1SjuJFeLCgQprThvp97uHFKxYU;9erQ3708x2lcO9CT6vKVzBCO6TdXxA0JpFREk;pfLIXOoOpP8ll3np7PK05JDgigbjFyRVUr7Xq; ifFR9tE99P2kE1C1noYDF1Kd1Pfb0esxNutCH;lN28N69GoE9YkuK7Wkv4yn9YLzdMmOYKm19IE; - *5 crédits :* 1 animation et/ou 1 défi pour la classe - *1 crédit :* 1 fiche pédagogique

    Dear Patient:
    à une décision de l'OMS prise en mai 2011. Il est difficile *Merci pour votre confiance !* am. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Starts Jun 11, 2018
    Welcome on board!

    parmi nous et impatients de vous proposer le meilleur des ressources pour et jusqu'à plusieurs centaines de mètres en extérieur. Le voisinage reçoit donc le WIFI de chacun. *Maintenant, à vous de jouer !* Welcome to OSU Hand and Upper Extremity Center! Your appointment has been scheduled at our clinic. Enclosed
    you find map and driving directions to the clinic location along with new patient forms. Please complete the
    attached forms and bring them with you to your appointment.
    Registration must be performed every time you visit ou
    r clinic. Please report to
    the Registration Desk at
    above location 30 minutes before your appointment time
    . At the Registration Desk, please sign in, and be
    prepared to present your completed new patient forms
    , your current insurance card
    (s), a photo ID, and any
    required co-pays. It is imperative that you bring any previous studies, radiology images, pathology reports,
    and office notes that pertain to your condition.
    We recommend that you check with the
    customer service number on your insu
    rance card to confirm that we are in-
    network providers under your policy. If your policy is with
    an insurance company that we do not participate with,
    payment is expected at the ti
    me of service unless prior arrangements have
    been made. If your insurance company
    requires a referral, please make sure it is in place by the da
    te of your appointment or we
    will not be able to see you.
    Our providers see patients in order of their scheduled appointment times. We are dedicated to providing you with the
    most up-to-date, comprehensive evaluatio
    n, and effective treatment program av
    ailable. As a result, our providers
    occasionally see patients later than scheduled appointment
    times. We would be happy to provide approximate wait
    time estimates, if you desire. We apologize in
    advance for any inconvenience this may cause you.
    We thank you for choosing OSU Hand and Upper Extrem
    ity Center! Please call us if you need assistance or
    additional information regarding your appointment.
    The Office Staff
    OSU Hand and Upper Extremity Center
    P.S. All OSU Medical Center build
    ings, inside and outside, are to
    bacco-free as of
    July 5, 2006.

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