Geeks to Go Forum
This email has been sent from
You have received this email because a password recovery for the
user account "sdrydrty" was instigated by you on Geeks to Go Forum.
If you did not request this password change, please IGNORE and DELETE this
email immediately. Only continue if you wish your password to be reset!
Activation Instructions Below
We require that you "validate" your password recovery to ensure that
you instigated this action. This protects against
unwanted spam and malicious abuse.
Simply click on the link below and complete the rest of the form§ion=lostpass&do=sendform&uid=424434&aid=d9329b1a1c7907ee91aace4dfebb9f9c
(Some email client users may need to copy and paste the link into your web
Not working?
If you could not validate your password recovery request by clicking on the link, please
visit this page:§ion=lostpass&do=sendform
It will ask you for a user id number, and your validation key. These are shown
User ID: 424434
Validation Key: d9329b1a1c7907ee91aace4dfebb9f9c
Please copy and paste, or type those numbers into the corresponding fields in the form.
Is this not working?
If you cannot re-activate your account, it's possible that the account has been removed or you
are in the process of another activation, such as registering or changing your registered email address.
If this is the case, then please complete the previous activation.
If the error persists, please contact an administrator to rectify the problem.
IP address of sender:
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